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Flowers Laying for George Frideric Handel
Westminster Abbey, London
24 March 2007

Canon Jane Hedges
Verger Benjamin Sheward
Three representatives of the Czech Handel Society

Canon Jane Hedges:


Good morning to you all - on behalf of the Dean & Chapter I extend a very warm welcome to Westminster Abbey and in particular to Poets' Corner where so many great writers, thinkers, and artists of all kind are commemorated.
We gather today to give special thanks for one of the world's greatest musicians, George Frideric Handel; whose extraordinary gifts and creativity have brought so much pleasure to the lives of countless people down through the years and of course continue to do so today.

I invite your now to lay your flowers in his honour.

Flowers laying

Let us pray

We give thanks for the life of George Frideric Handel and as we thank God for him we also give thanks for the gift of music and for the faculties we have with which to enjoy it.

We thank you, heavenly Father, that you have created men and women in your image and likeness. We offer our special thanks today for George Frideric Handel - for everything in his life which reflected your mercy and truth and especially for his creativity with music.
We pray that as he served you on earth, so he may now share in the joy and glory of heaven. We ask this through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Eternal Lord God, source of all beauty and harmony, we praise you for the gift of music:
For the inspiration given to those who compose it,
For the skill and devotion of those who perform it,
For the faculties and powers which enable us to enjoy it; and we pray that as by this gift our lives are enriched and renewed, so we may glorify you in a fuller dedication of ourselves, giving thanks always for all things.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer

The Blessing